
The unedited e-mail below came from a source in the Gambia.



>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Fly Millennium 2000 aircraft at your own risk
>Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001
>This message is directed at those of you abroad who are intending to send
>their loved ones to a pilgrimmage to Mecca this year.  As most of you are
>aware by now, the Millennium 2000 Airline is owned by Yahya Jammeh which he
>uses for his own junckets, fly his baby to the US to visit her doctor and
>also doubles as a regular commercial aircraft.
>When he uses it on his personal or so-called "official" visits, he gets
>temporary insurance cover for it, but on all other occasions, the aircraft
>is not insured. The Civil Aviation Authorities seem to be unable to stop
>this practice for reason known only to them. Most of the routine filing of
>flight plans, maintenance records etc are done independent of the regular
>authorities.  Do not ask me why this is possible.  But what is not possible
>under Jammeh?
>This year, like the previous two years, Jammeh plans to ferry some pilgrims
>to Mecca on his Millennium Airline. Please, those of you in the US, Europe
>and elsewhere intending to send your parents, relatives and friends to
>Mecca, should avoid using Millennium because if you do so, it will be at
>your own risk.  Jammeh is trying to freeze the competition by trying to fix
>the price of the trip to D24,000.  Circulars have in fact been sent to the
>competitors informing them of Government's intent to fix the price to the
>above-mentioned amount. The competitors have indicated to Government that
>with the continous depreciation of the Dalasi, they cannot fix the price at
>D24,000 and expect to make something, much more realise a reasonable margin
>to stay in business.  But for Jammeh, this is exactly what he wants: to
>eliminate the competition right from the start. As for his "Millennium
>Airlines", the overheads are paid by Government, ranging from aviation fuel
>to salaries of hostesses on board the aircraft.
>So, please, make sure that you advise your loved ones to be careful about
>selecting an airline to make the holy journey to Mecca. They should avoid
>taking "Millennium" because if they do so, it will be at their own risk.
>Yahya is in it, only for his own pocket; damn the lives of Gambians.  The
>man is a maniac of the first order.
>For those who might jump onto this story, please check with any of the
>private and well-established Hajj Travel Agencies to confirm if the
>above-cited circular has not been issued, dictating the price of this
>year's Hajj; also check with any one familiar with Gambian aviation.
>RISK. So, please, be careful in selecting a Hajj flight for your loved
>ones. Thank you Ebrima and please don't mind those distractors. KB, Beran
>Jeng and Jabou have responded on our behalf.
>NB: Please, could Abdou Karim Sanneh/Karim Sanneh tell us why City Limited
>Radio FM decided to be on the same premises as the INDEPENDENT newspaper?
>Yes, the radio is in the same premise as INDEPENDENT newspaper. Why? It is
>obvious that Abdou Karim Sanneh does not know what these guys are up
>to.Also Abdul Aziz may not even be aware of all the facts surrounding the
>setting up of the Radio Station. That's how Yahya Jammeh operates.  All his
>illegal dealings are with the lead crook.  The rest ends up being the
>innocent victims who find it difficult to extracate themselves from the web
>of entanglement, once they have been duped into thinking that the business
>is legal and legitimate. By then, it is too late.  My advice to Mr. Sanneh
>is to stay clear of the station if the respected Dr Manne is your mentor
>and financier as you claimed. The Station is definitely owned by Yahya
>Jammeh, and it is going to advance his agenda.  By the way, in case you
>also are not aware, Yahya Jammeh is now the owner of Kairaba Beach Hotel
>which he bought for US$5 million: it is in the name of his lady
>friend/business associate.

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