
The e-mail below came from one of my sources in the heart of Government.

My Source: I thank you for sending me regular mails: unfortunately, because
of a very busy schedule, it has not been possible to follow mails on the L
these past few days. I have seen the mails which you have sent on Batchi
Baldeh, Conteh etc, but these have been overtaken by events. Anyway, do send
the e-mails now because I am less busy.



>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Jammeh's next target? Managing Director, Social Security.
>Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001
>Welcome back. There's a lot of work ahead of us. Johnny Ford is only one of
>the immediate task at hand.  I have already sent a word to him both
>privately while he was in Banjul, and yesterday by e-mail.  I am sure you
>are also preparing a comprehensive background information which you have
>painstakingly gathered independent of any "secondary source."  I fully
>understand your reaction to Amadou Janneh's posting but let us stay focus.
>I am almost certain that he did not mean any harm.  Anyway, let's get it
>behind us.
>The mismanagement of the economy by the Jammeh regime has been sufficiently
>outlined in the Budget Speech of Jatta and adequately analysed by KB and
>Hamjatta Kanteh.
>The Gambia is deeper trouble than any one of us could have ever imagined
>when Yahya Jammeh siezed power in 1994.  The dalasi is taking a terribe
>beating in the foreign exchange markets, the labour market is weaker than
>ever before characterised by high unemployment and under-employment,
>inflation is running rampant as a result of incomprehensible monetary and
>fiscal policies of the regime, economic growth continues to slow as more
>illegal economic activity takes place outside the formal sphere thanks to
>Jammeh's own private economy which is not reflected in the books etc.
>etc..One can go on and on.
>The latest development as a result of bad economic management is constant
>harassment of the Managing Director of Social Security and Housing Finance
>Corporation by Jammeh and his band of inept and spineless economic
>managers.  The reason for the harassment of Mr. Sylva is that GPTC wants
>SSHFC to finance the purchase of an additional ferry by dipping further
>into the Pension Fund of the Gambian workers who have toiled over half
>their life-time to set aside their social security contributions for their
>The Government is in dire straits because there is only one ferry plying
>Banjul-Barra which it does every day on one engine that spews oil.  Should
>this one breaks down, which can happen at any time, the consequencies would
>be an unimaginable proposition and the economic impact incalculable. Even
>moron Jammeh knows this. The predicament of the Jammeh regime is finding an
>immediate solution to this problem and thus the pressure on SSHFC,
>specifically Mr. Sylva.
>Meanwhile, the inept management at GPTC (responsible for ferry services)
>cannot finance the purchase of a replacement ferry neither can they
>maintain the existing one much less "Banjul" and Niumi" ferries which have
>been boarded over a year ago. The current ferry was bought less than two
>years ago and it is now declared un-seaworthy and yet this irresponsible
>Government knowingly ferry people in this dangerous vessel.
>Despite these pressures, Sylva is saying NO because the Pensions Funds
>belong to the people and not to Government. Well, like KB and others, I
>have very little sympathy for those who knowingly and willingly collaborate
>with this Government in suppressing and stealing from the Gambian people.
>Sylva will be next.
>When Sylva is fired by Jammeh in the coming days or weeks, Tombong Saidy is
>scheduled to be designated as the custodian of the funds of Gambian
>pensioners and would-be pensioners as the new Managing Director of Social
>Security and Housing Finance Corporation. May the All Mighty help us all.
>Should Yahya change his mind about Tombong, it will be only because of the
>superb job of the Gambia-L in foiling the Rust College engagement arranged
>by Tombong Saidy. Otherwise, Tombong Saidy will be our next Managing
>Director of Social Security and Housing Fiance Corporation.
>Again, I say that the contribution of the Gambia-L to the total liberation
>of our people is immeasurable.  So, please folks, let us put our small
>differences aside and focus on the big picture of getting rid of Yahya
>Jammeh.  A Yahyaless Gambia is not very far off if we stay united.  Good to
>have you back, Ebrima.  It is now my turn to take a break; so long.

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