At 12/12/00 02:52 PM, Bill Kapelas wrote:

>Ok I recd this and deleted it with no damage. Only because I am careful. But
>when exactly is the Anti Virus software supposed to warn you.   I have the
>latest Norton v7 and I thought it checks attachments.Not a peep came from it.
>(Why do I continually feel we are not being well served by these AV programs?)
>Anyone else?

Having the latest AV software is not enough. You have to keep downloading
the latest data files which is used to detect the viruses.  My Norton V7
detected and deleted the files during download.  I update my data files
twice a week.

I think that many consumers don't realize that the updating of data files
is really more important than having the latest AV engine version.  The
many variations of this particular virus has required many updates to the
detection data files.


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