I have espoused the same thing before but it looks like many of us
are hoping that some how things will work out the "right" way and
Yahya Jammeh will be defeated easily in the next elections or he will
some way not be in office for too much longer.  But, like Mr. Conteh
said this will not happen without concerted and strategic efforts by
all concerned Gambians.  The prospect of Yahya Jammeh being defeated
lies squarely on the ground work the opposition parties are doing in
The Gambia.  All the ingredients are there for Yahya's defeat but it
is surely not going to be automatic.  These parties need our direct
support; especially OUR FINANCIAL support.

You all know how the deck is stacked against the opposition in the
electoral process.  The opposition parties have tremendous financial
needs that are not going to be met by the small contributions they
get within the country itself.  All these parties have
representatives in both Europe and USA that can coordinate this fund-
raising efforts.  

This coming elections is the real chance to change the wrong
direction the country is going.  If we miss this chance we will all
regret it for a long time coming.


---- Begin Original Message ----

From: Movement for the Restoration of Democracy in
Gambia<[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 00:29:04 EST
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Year 2001-Gambians for change, which way out?


Alan's message clearly defines his ignorance and the misconception
that we
will not respond to his satire.  We have climbed the mountain and are
almost at the top to turn back.

Our responsibility is for a united front against the dictatorship. 
We have
showcased our intellectual talent, but we sincerely lack financial and
united front for a yahyaless Gambia.  What will we achieve if we
collectively summon the opposition for strategic analysis to The
situation?  Are we just talking and unwilling to add our two cents to
defeat the dictator and dirimo of kaninlai?  Do we want five more
years of
evil yahya?  Are we sincere in our assault?  Are we just talking?

Enough is enough.  Let's put our money for a successful investment in
democratic Gambia.  "Empty barrels make the most sound."  Let us act
before it is too late.


Comrade ML Jassey-Conteh


As Gambians and concerned friends of Gambia contemplates next years

Presidential Elections in the Gambia, Opposition Political Parties,
Activists, Movements, Human Rights g
Groups, and Civilians yearning for change, had been tinkering of ways
these various groupings can influence Gambian sociopoliticoeconomic
Since there exist no formal structured and accountable information
mechanism on such groupings forming coalitions/alliances, the time is
and right for such an undertaking. Granted that, most of the existing
groupings, especially, those abroad, are disorganized, helpless or
in between. This arises out of a lack thereof, of denied, frustrated
absent civic mindedness or selfishness.
In order to change this uncanny equation of apathy and
disenfranchisement, it
is natural, therefore, that coalitions and alliances be form and
formed again
in the never-ending struggle of interest group politics. Granted,
that, the
mere revelation that certain unpopular individual/association is/are
involved, might cause an alliance to fail.
Since we all understand what and who our problem[s] is/are,  the
solution is
not the continual ranting and raving about Yahya Jammeh and not an
iota of
well-structured support rendered to the front-line comrades
political parties, civic and human rights groups, victims of the
military/police machinery], but that of a massive and inclusive
outreach of
all concerned Gambians and friends of Gambia, to morally and
bankroll the next Presidential Elections, the ultimate option to get
rid of
the menace to Gambia and Gambians.
A good suggestion was made to follow the same pattern as "The
Massacre Action
Plan" initiated on the G-L, whereby, a central coordinating committee
contact points around the nook and cranny of Gambians [individuals,
organizations or otherwise] around the globe, would level the
equation/plain-field financially, between Yahya Jammeh/AFPRC/APRC
compared to UDP, PDOIS and NRP combined.
Perhaps, Alpha Robinson, Soffie, Katim, Karamba, Saul Khan, Ous,
Jamila, Ebrima Ceesay, Hamjatta, Jabou, Mr. Private Investigator
[Makievelli-GS], KB, Dr. Saine, Dagmar, Sigga and committee members
various "Genuine" Anti-Yahya/Pro Gambian Democracy
can linkup and start something rolling.
It's now, or, never. Let's not sit idly by and watch Yahya Jammeh,
Jobe, et al. wreak havoc on our nation, women and children.      


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