Todd Moody  writes:
> I have to add that I seem to tolerate dairy food well, in certain forms
at least.  Butter, mozzarella and feta cheese I do fine.  but I do get
that mucus
> reaction from cheddar. >>

I can drink goats milk, regular cows milk if completely organic and in
small doses, cheddar is ok only if it is the white cheddar, free from
dyes.  Feta cheese I do well with also, and like Todd, I do feel a mucus
build up if I eat orange cheddar or nonorganic dairies of any kind. I
also get a headache.  Keep in mind, when I do eat cheese or milk, it is
in such small quantities and completely organic.  Now butter I use every
day and have no problems at all., which I buy from an organic dairy farm
that is here locally.
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