On Fri, 22 Dec 2000 12:24:42 -0800, Ken Stuart <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>A vegetarian does not eat meat.  This usually means not eating anything
>that requires an "animal" to be killed (as opposed to vegetable or
>mineral). ..
>A vegan eats as if there were no other animals on the planet, ie farming
>does not include any animals in any way, hence not even dairy products or
>eggs are eaten.

"vegetarian" should be one who eats "vegetation" (plants).
Normally. In nature occasional animals would well be included.

I think what you describe reflects more the *reason* why people do so.
Most vegetarian and partivularly vegan feel compassion with
animals and avoid "using" them.
But if *that's* the reason then the (e.g. vegans) could eat dead animals
which weren't killed or kept for the reason.
"fallen" wild game (in mountains), dead holy cows (in india).
Hunted meat would be even next to the best in this context.
As far as the wild game had a natural and enjoying life befor the kill.
And that is why tibetan buddhists may eat meat. Not killed or kill-caused
by them, but still dead - can be eaten.

However there are other reasons.
I personally would accept some animal loss, if it was against starving or
for a health reason. I have to accept some animal suffering with my car
driving, oil  production etc. anyway.
I just can't look at carcass as food.
How different peoples visions are - and still can communicate.

Have a nice holiday

Cheers, Amadeus

N.B. there is "vegan" leather too. All the holy cows of india make
great source of leather after they died naturally....