If it contains fish, then it contains fish oil. That is, the oil comes from
the fish in the first place. It may be pakcked in another oil but that's not
to suggest that it does not contain fish oil. (eg, it may also contain bones
or brains or intestines, but you won't find that on the label). And of
course the oil or water in which the fish is packed can affect the integrity
of the fish's oils.
That's like when you buy a can of water-packed olives, saying that it does
not contain olive oil. But if you rub the olive you will feel that there is
some oil in the olive. It contains olive oil, though there may be none


>The problem here is that I have never seen a can of Sardines
>that contained fish oil?
>So  you see that a  longtime label reader has no recourse to
>the source you quote!
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