Hi again,

OK so I am a little overwhelmed. Two things are clear (I think!) from
posts. The first is that if there is any raw food research it is not
known and the other is that many raw foodists think that science is
worth much.

Science, despite its limitations, is useful because it is a procedure
anyone can follow to find out if something is true or just what
person reckons. It is possible to misdirect that science - as is
evident in
much of modern medicine. Science is agnostic, like a hammer. You can
use it
to hit a nail or run around swinging it wildly in the air trying to
flies. Medicine sometimes misuses science by aiming it at disease,
endlessly to find a cure for increasingly complex pathologies. It
could be
equally well used to find out the conditions of health.

My belief (see this is what I reakon - not science) is that raw
(the ones who discovered it for themselves though inquiring minds) are
intelligent and perhaps could be considered an "elite" class of
intelligence. One that was able to see though modern dogma. But it
that as a community we spend lots of time chasing our tales. For
instead of arguing we could direct that energy to something that will
positively contribute to humanity (eg learn science and figure out
what is
actually happening when we eat raw food only)

But it has to be someone in the states (U.S.) and someone with a
and committed mind who is willing to sacrafice time and money. Any

I was going to post a basic biochemisty of essential free fatty acids
but it
will take a lot of time. If anyone is interested let me know and I
will put
the effort in.

