Jean-Claude wrote:

>No both are relative truths and both valid  . As long you believe that you
>can aprehend truth thru the discriminating mind ( judgements )  you will
>deny yourself the experience of  absolute truth .( the truth that can
>encompasse all relative truths.)

That's certainly true and you will be lost in discriminating thinking

>The dangerousness comes from thinking that we can fix problems created by
>the discriminative mind with more discriminative thinking .
>Einstein said something about that .< we cant resolve problems with the same
>way of thinking that created them in the first place.
>Scientists are getting out of hand . First  the applications of Liebig view
>on plant nourishment,  with  chemical agriculture created so much an
>unhealthy situation that the need to create new species arise as the
>solution ( genetic engineering)
>endless quest to know the truth bring us to less and less understanding of
>the whole.

Jean-Claude, you are a wise man.
Indeed, discriminative thinking has brought us to the point where we
a nearly destroyed environment, billions of sick people and animals,
the final exhaustion of natural resources only some years ahead, and

Well, it's time go back to unity. To go home, so to speak. Every
of living separated from the all-that-is has been worked out. So we
can let go this and walk back to unity. This will be a very joyful

>If you let go totally of the idea of being right about anything  you will
>never  be wrong but happy.

I would like to substitute the idea of being right (which is BTW
a very one-sided idea - it doesn't include being left) by the idea of
doing what is useful for the whole planet. Always considering the con-
sequences for the whole if you are doing something.
And to be clear: the whole of course includes you, the one who

Dave, are we still on topic here?

Best regards,
