Timchenko Maxim <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi,
>   THe speed of the machine is determined by the CPU, so your system will
> run @ 133 MHz. You can still try the slower memory, but you are
> "overclocking" it from 100 to 133 MHz with all of the related problems,
> like heat, instable working, errors, random hangups, etc. -- assuming it
> does work at all.
>   There are some RAMs that were supposed to run @ 66 and run @ 100, as
> well as 100 MHz RAMs that run at 133, but I suggest you to walk on the
> safe side and purchase a new 133 MHz stick of RAM.

All very true. However, quality RAM is important too. I put together a dual
MSI-694D Pro with dual FCPGA P-III/600 CPU's using PC133 memory. I had stability
problems from the very beginning, even running at the default 100FSB, forget
overclocking it.

On a whim, I swapped memory with my Abit BP-6 running dual Celeron 433's
(clocked to 541). The PC100 memory from the Abit has now been running rock solid
in the MSI board, overclocked to 114FSB for 3 weeks now.

So just because it says PC133, doesn't mean quality. Oh, BTW, the "suspect"
PC133 memory seems to run fine in the BP6, but then, it is only at 83 FSB.

I need more memory for my system (the BP6, my wife gets the dual P-III's,
ouch!), so I just ordered another 128Mb stick from Crucial (Micron). They are
supposed to be good. I may try it in the MSI and see if it will hit 133 FSB, we
will see in a couple days!

Russ Poffenberger               Engineering Specialist
Schlumberger Technologies ATE   DOMAIN: [log in to unmask]
150 Baytech Drive
San Jose, Ca. 95134             Voice: (408)586-6718  FAX: (408)586-4675

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