I was given a Zeos Pantera 486 having a tape drive, a 50x CD Rom, and a standard floppy with the following system specs: (Taken from the initial boot-up screen) Evergreen 100 mhz upgrade, 640 k system ram, 24 megs extended ram, w/Phoenix Bios version 4.04. It shows system bios shadowed and video bios shadowed. Also, says it contains Intel Plug and Play Bios Extensions - Release 1.21. Below that it reads Microsoft (R) Windows 98 with the copyright date.  Story is it was reformatted running Win 3.1, and a Windows 98 boot disk off another computer was tried that didn't seem to work right.

Referencing the C prompt with "dir" brings up:
Volume in drive C has no label
Volume serial number is 2B39-1B05
Directory of C:\

COMMAND COM    93,890  date time
CD ROM     <DIR>        date time
     1 file(s)  93,890  bytes
     1 dir(s)   340 mb  free

I have win 98 SE bootdisk from NoSpin but am concerned about interfering with the indicated win 98 referenced as above. What's the proper procedure to get this up and running?

Sorry for the long post but thought all info would be useful.

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