There are several factors which affect time of menstruation. The menstrual
cycle mirrors (in it's healthy state) the moon cycle. Even artificial light
affects the menstrual cycle. Diet is another huge factor.
For a better understanding of why women in the same household tend to
menstruate at the same time, I highly recommend Christiane Northrup's book
Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom. The dynamics which are occuring in the
household have a dramatic impact on menstruation. For example, I come from a
family of my mother, father and one sister. My father is very controlling
and manipulative. During the time that the three of us were all living with
him, we all menstruated at the same time and had severe dysmenorrhea and
very heavy bleeding. Besides the fact that none of us should have been
eating gluten or casein (which affect the uterus), our relationship with
that man was also affecting our menstrual status. We were all bleeding
during the waxing quarter moon, the least common, least desireable time to
Since leaving that home and eventually going gf/cf, I am also on a 25-31 day
cycle, bleeding between the waning full moon and the dark moon. Much better!
For a list of menstruation links, see my web site's moon page.

(follow the cave man!)

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