
The e-mail below came from a source in the Gambia. Because of a very busy
schedule, I am sending it as received - unedited. So just ignore the
typographical errors in my source's e-mail.


>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Baba Jobe and Yahya Jammeh: The parting of ways
>Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000
>The relationship between Yahya Jammeh and Baba Jobe is increasingly getting
>strained. I reported that Baba Jobe has refused to accept his posting to
>Qatar because he sees this as a way of being removed from the center of
>things in Jammeh's crumbling government.(See related story on Baba's
>brother) He sees his increasing isolation as an initial step by Yahya to
>get rid of him. Yahya is also increasingly distancing himself from the 22nd
>July thugs (which will not safe him from the wrath of the Gambian
>electorate come November next year anyway). At the APRC Bakau Rally on
>Friday, Yahya heeped praise on Abdoulie Conteh, Major of KMC and requested
>youth to see Conteh whenever they encounter difficulty.  Baba Jobe was not
>mentioned once despite his last ditch efforts, together with Saja Taal, to
>woo the Bakau youth last week. Although Baba Jobe is in trouble, Yahya is
>also equally in trouble because Baba will see to it that he has it rough
>before they are both kicked out by the Gambian people.
>NB: Did you guys ever wonder whatever became of Fatumatta Jahumpa-Ceesay?
>Since her return from trip to the UN with Yahya, she has been silenced not
>by any body but by what Yahya said in a Cabinet meeting immediately upon
>his return from New York.  He convened Cabinet specifically to express his
>disappoint/disgust at the  failure of the mission when he was totally
>humiliated by the Gambian living in the US.  He proceeded to remind Cabinet
>Secreatries and those who were responsible for organising the trip that
>they, not him, were at the mercy of the Gambians should something happen in
>the country.  At least for him, he has somewhere to hide, so he thinks.  It
>was only when told of Jammeh's remarks that Fatumatta Jahumpa realised the
>mess she is in, after insulting, detraying her own people all in the name
>of Yahya Jammeh who is prepared to abandon them, even his most sycophantic
>supporters like Fatoumatta jahumpa.

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