test my return reply

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Strong [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 8:16 AM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      [EVOLUTIONARY-FITNESS] osteoarthritis
> Does anyone have any experience with glucosamine as part of a program to
> mitigate osteoarthritis.  I developed chronic groin pain (which is usually
> referred from a problem with the hip and was diagnosed with "early"
> changes
> to the hip consistent with osteoarthritis.  The joint capsule was filled
> with fluid and I was given Viox, the newest "super" antiimflammatory.  I
> have been on it for a month and it did help.  However,  I did stop tennis
> and have (and now must, I suppose) kicks against resistance at my aikido
> class.  I have initiated my own rehab with twice a week Pilates exercises
> while continuing aikido with its stretching and full body involvement.  Up
> until this flare up of arthritis (which I equate to a skiing ding to the
> hip
> about 5 years ago,  I had been playing tennis a couple of times a week,
> biking, lifting weights (employing some of Art Devany's ideas such as
> alactic training) and aikido with some hiking thrown in.  I am still doing
> all of it but for the tennis and some of the more radical stuff at aikido.
> I am 52 years old and have the sedentary occupation of trial attorney.
> Any
> suggestions as to how to fight back against this supposed cartilage issue
> would be very welcome.    Rick