On Sat, 4 Nov 2000 10:26:37 -0800, Arthur De Vany <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>An answer to a former "Zoner" who has regained fat and now finds it harder
>than before to achieve a desirable weight and body composition.
>The loss of muscle mass is a hidden cost of "zoning" as well as the loss of
>metabolic rate.
>You have lost some of your metabolic fitness, the very common problem of
>modern diets and dieting.  You must restore the insulin sensitivity of your
>muscle.  It requires muscle contraction to do this.  Sensitivity lasts only
>a day or two after intense exercise, so the answer is frequent,
>intermittent exercise, with each short session intended to elevate insulin
>I shall have a long section on metabolic fitness in the book.
>Art De Vany

Dr. De Vany,

In reagrds to your book, could you give us any status information?

Also, if I remember correctly from the archive, John Brockman was your
agent at one time.  Is this still the case and can we still help you by
contacting him and expressing our interest?

Dennis Lawler