As for GH release every increase in BMI (Body Mass Index) of 1.5 reduces GH
release by 50%.

After being on a high protein, low carb diet for about 18 months, I can tell
I don't have to work at being thin & fit.  It is now, how my body wants to
I nave NO interest in eating carbs!  Bring on a salad on protein & veggies

Eat lots of carbs, get little exercise, battle to lose fat, lose (as you
will) &
be miserable,  So I guess there is a way for overweight people to be
happy.  Eat carbs, learn to accept your fate & be happy.

What we want to do is to
reduce Insulin resistance by improving the ability of Insulin to move
the blood into glucose using tissues.  This improved movement (improved
clearance rate) will result in lower Insulin levels and lower cholesterol as
is Insulin which controls cholesterol production.  About 90% of the
in our blood is made in the body.  Dietary cholesterol adds only a little

Three observations:

Fat can indirectly lower Insulin if it REPLACES carbs in the diet.

Excess fat & carbs TOGETHER are a killer.

Excess Insulin, driven by excess carbs is what produces excess cholesterol.

The fat content of most animal meats is not that bad today, but yes fish
is preferred as you get omega 3, DHA & EPA fats which are VERY, VERY
Fish is the only source of dietary DHA & EPA fats.  Ground Linseed (Flax
or the much more expensive Flax seed oil is an excellent source of omega-3

The body converts omega 3 fats to the DHA & EPA fats.  Of the two EPA is
generally the most beneficial.

I sprinkle ground Linseed (same as Flax seed) on EVERY thing I eat.  It even
tastes good!  I pay about $4 ($2.20 US) for a kilo (2.2 lbs.).

Ground Linseed seed / Flax seed contains:

  3% Saturated fat
  7% Mono unsaturated Omega 9
  4% Poly unsaturated Omega 6
18% Poly unsaturated Omega 3

20% Protein
  6% Carbs
28% Fiber
34% Fat as above
  4% Ash
  8% Water

The idea that Protein is bad for the body was overturned some time ago.
said, excess anything is BAD.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arthur De Vany [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 1:02 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> That is probably it.  The complex mixtures we call meals are rather unlike
> an HG would eat.  Try to simplify your meals to a few items each meal.
> Example: Breakfast 5 egg whites and some fresh melon.  Or, a lean cut of
> meat and some fresh grapes (sparingly).  Dinner should be early in the day
> and you should go to bed almost hungry.  Also, skip lunch and dinner after
> a nice breakfast and take a long hike or be active during the day.  Do
> this once a month, but randomly.
> dear pr. adv.. READ OVER THE evol archives and now am pretty sure why i
> got fat around the mid-riff despite seemingly doing all the exercise
> variablity
> suggested..high intensity lots of variation etc etc...lots of  carbs/fruit
> and fat TOGETHER ...all over the summer and beyond. From what i read seems
> that would/could do it quite nicely..embarassingly i am talking lots of
> fat..all olive oil mind.
> any quick comments ?
> thanks,
> simon fellows