Cindy- Hi- I didn't go to camp here- didn't learn about the place until this past April!  I am also a teacher of the visually impaired Cindy.  I want to gently say... your fear of others not recognizing your son's abilities, may be what holds him back FROM others seeing his abilities.  The staff here are GREAT with people with different abilities and I am not just saying that cuz I have seen many in the school systems who don't give a hoot about children with disabilities- which causes me to wonder why on earth they choose such a field.  Sorry if I stepped on toes- this is just my opinion.

> Paige,
>     Thanks for the information. Ilooked up the website and was really
> impressed. Is this where you also went to camp when you were younger? My son
> would love to go to camp, but we're fearful he might drown because others may
> not realize the extent of his abilities.    Cindy

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