Yes Betty- Buster is his name.  He is great but my problem is that I am home too much so when he's here, he tends to drive me insane!  This visit I put him in the living room, rather than right near the computer-so he was deinitely quieter not being so close to me and this typing all day/night- but after I sit for him for a bit, I'm more than ready to have him go home.  Hmmmm forget if I get him this coming weekend... no I think it's the following weekend he'll be here again.  My male cat sits right next to his cage, on the couch- and Buster sits on his opened cage door with his back to the cat- like it's not a big deal.  Truth is, I don't know who would win a brawl- cuz these birds are so strong.



> Oh Paige, that is just too cool!  Aren't African Grays just fantastic?
> I have also had the pleasure of handling several kinds of macaws up to a
> hyacinth macaw, the largest parrot in the world.  He felt incredibly heavy on
> my arm, especially since I was used to little Astro sitting on my finger (Oh
> my...heart string tug).
> One thing I don't understand is that the number of hyacinth macaws in the
> wild is very low.  I don't see why there can't be a captive breeding program
> like there is for California Condors.  Maybe there is though, and I just
> haven't heard about it.
> Betty
> In a message dated 11/01/2000 6:48:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> > Betty, I babysit my brother's fiance's african grey.  I cannot wait for
> > Gopher to get here so he can expeience this bird's vocabulary!  It is just
> > incredible!  He meows like cat, growls like a dog, runs the water (faucet),
> > says peek a boo, I love you, ....... the list goes on and on. He teases my
> > cats!!!  C'mere , C'mere  he says!  I yell at him to "Quit picking on my
> cats!
> > !" LOL
> >
> >  Paige
> >
> Betty
> aut viam inveniam aut faciam
> "I will either find a way or make one."

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