You say the boot sequence can't detect the cd drive.  You haven't said
enough for me to guess at what type of boot sequence you have, but
normally a bios displays a cdrom firmware message, just below the memory
size ok message, that tells the make of the cdrom and the ide channel it
is on.  Some bios do not display this information, but list the cdrom
under the detected hard disk in a big text box right before the message
'windows loading'.  If your familiar with these messages, and your not
seeing them now, then there are only a few possible problems.
1.  The drive is shot.  sorry.
2. The drive doesn't have power.  Try switching to a different 12volt
power cable.
3. the drive data cable is not/not correctly attached.
All of these would cause the bios to make a perfunctory check of the ide
channel and then boot without the drive.  However, if the bios seems to
hang for a period, its expecting something on the secondary channel and
not finding it.  Check cmos settings for anything concerning hard disks
on the secondary channel.  Check the jumpers on the cdrom drive.  Some
bios will pause for only a moment with a drive set to slave but no
master present, others will not detect the drive.

If you get past this and the cdrom does not appear in windows, clear any
mention of the drive from config.sys and autoexec.bat.  Use sysedit from
the start, run, dialog box to access these files.  If you find that
there were dos drivers loading, you'll have to reboot.  Then you may
have to run 'detect new hardware' wizard from control panel to get the
32bit drivers to load the first time.

-----Original Message-----
From: Olushola [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2000 10:01 PM

The boot sequence can't detect the CD Drive.

It is on the secondary master.  The BIOS secondary is set to auto
detect. I
changed it to CDROM but when the boot sequence came to the secondary
it said that ATAPI is not comaptible or something like that. So I
changed it
back to auto.

The OS is 95 and I'm able to access my programs it just that the CDROM
not present.

I think I may have erased some files accidently during a cleanup

                         PCBUILD's List Owner's:
                      Bob Wright<[log in to unmask]>
                       Drew Dunn<[log in to unmask]>