I posted...

> > Mike and Mary Dan Eades will appear on WOR Radio AM 710, New York, NY on
> > Tuesday October 24th at 11:00 am.  They should be on the full hour.
> >
> > When:   11:00 am Tuesday 10.24.00
> > Where:  WOR AM 710, NYC
> > What:   The Joan Hamburg Show

And Bill replied with...

>WOR now does streaming audio over the web. It may be necessary to
>update to Realplayer 8, which can be done from the WOR Live page.
>Here's the link:
>   http://www.worlive.com/
>I assume that the time is 11:00 am Eastern, 8:00 am Pacific.

You are correct, sir.  I realized after hitting 'send' I forgot to put
on-line tidbit in my message.  Thanks!

My favorite part of this is going to Amazon.com and tracking sales the
of and after an appearance.  They appeared on KHOW-Denver and went
about 4,000 to 418.  I kid you not!  There's no way a jump that big is
freak occurance.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO