I have seen Lucy.
I mean the real one.
The 3.2 mio years old skeleton of an early hominid.
Possibly our grandmother to the power of 160,000.

I happened to be at the world exposition in Hannover and
there is an Aethiopian building and there she is.

Well she was - kind of charming.

And she was veeery small. Like my boys at the age of 6 or so.
So small bones. Her forearms not longer than the span of my hand.
Of size somehow like a chimp. But standing upright.
Easy to imagine how she could have walked upright.

Looking at her...
I don't know if she was "Lucy at the fireplace with Tuuubers"
But I'm shure:
This human creature has *never* hunted an elephant, zebra, or anything
able to run.

...charming, that Lucy...
...she had real paleodiet all life, for shure....


Amadeus S.