Hi Guys,

How much fruit do you think is OK on the paleo diet?

I'm eating about 1 apple or pear a day, sometimes 2. That amount seems
OK to

I'm a firm believer in the diet (although every month or so I tend to
for a day or too and have a sugar binge. THis is getting less frequent

I have MS but no symptoms as long as I stick to the diet. I think I
have various allergies. Sometimes, after eating certain foods I get a
strange head tingle and my stomach feels bloaty. I've just eaten a
after my lunch (roasted parsnips and salad at work) and the head
tingle is
back again. I had a raw carrot the other night and my thigh
started to ache. Something strange is going on.

But, how much fruit do we think is OK?

Thanks, Al