I save them in
>containers in the freezer, then regularly cook them for 12-24 hours (with
>some vinegar or lemon juice), bay leaf, and usually a strip of kelp or kombu
>seaweed, to create a thick, milky, gelatin rich broth which is incredibly
>rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, glucosamine sulfate, and other bone
>building nutrients.  I concentrate the broth by cooking it down a lot.  It
>actually looks a lot like milk.  I've read that a cup of bone broth can
>contain as much calcium as a glass of milk---the stuff I make must contain
>more because it is so concentrated and thick. It is like a thin jello in the
>fridge---from all that gelatin released from the cartilage.
>Rachel Matesz,
>Healthy cooking coach

Tomo and I just drink it up. Chinese style is to use just a knob of
to purify the broth, they say. I use mirin or sake for the acid, and
I know it's made from rice...

ginny and Tomo

All stunts performed without a net!