At 04:52 PM 10/09/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>>Recovery from workouts takes considerable amounts of protein. I workout
>>once a week with weights right now taking about 30 minutes to train. Even
>>when training for a powerlifting contest I train this infrequently or less.
>Hi Dave - sounds very efficient. Would you mind sharing your 30
>minute routine (movements / sets / reps)? are you a mesomorph? any
>aerobic workouts to complement your weight-training? THX, Jo
>Addendum: how about posting a pic at THX, Jo

        I am trying to find some clear pictures to send. I'll put one
from a
contest I did a year ago although I have ones from this year I have to
them up.
        I'll try to post my routine by Friday as I will be out
bow) by then.
