Dori Zook wrote
> I'll say it right now; yes, this post referred to God.  Anyone who rants
on the religious overtone of Betty Ann's message has missed the entire

I agree! Gee all I did is have a link in my sig file to a site
people how to live without electricity like the Amish do, and look
what I
got! I hope Betty Anne has some asbestos for the flame war that is
sure to

> Agreeing to disagree is a hallmark of maturity.  Or, to quote my dear ol'
dad, "it doesn't matter what an asshole thinks."

Your father is a wise man!

> As for anyone who rips into Betty Ann for pointing out how lucky we are
and (gasp!) mentioning God in the process, I think my dad would advise
me to
ignore your opinion.

Yup! What on Earth is wrong with mentioning God? As for me, I DO NOT
think I
decended from apes! (But, some people do show strong evidence Darwin
have been partialy right!) LOL

<WARNING: I am fixin' to mention God!>

God bless you, Dori

Kevin Raper
Piedmont, SC