> On Mon, 23 Oct 2000 17:55:51 -0700 Joanna deFelice
> <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> > i can have a bit of half and half in my morning coffee and be fine.
> >
> > when i try cheese again (and am still not sure if it's all the
> > cheeses i like or just some of them), after a several month forced
> > hiatus, i frequently get a good case of the trots.
> Many food itolerances are "dosage" dependant.  A little bit of cream
> (which will probably be higher in whey protiens I believe)
> might be OK.
> Cheese is usually higher in casein and is more concentrated.
> The cream
> has much more water in it so the potency is different even if
> the serving
> were the same size.

Another factor is that the several month hiatus might be increasing the
reaction.  I found that there was an ideal time between exposures for
me, where reaction was minimal, and that reaction increased with less
frequent exposure as well as more frequent.

On discussion with my specialist it turns out this is not unusual and he
gave me the go ahead to have a small-regular serving on a regular basis.
Largely this was because as we all know, its very hard to avoid dairy
completely and its far better for me (I'm intolerant to lactose and
casein and a fully grown adult) to have regular small doses with little
reaction than occasional exposure with a bad reaction.

The only thing I was warned about is watching out for minor but chronic
symptoms to develop - which means I am eating it *too* regularly!

In the end, I have settled on once a week.  I try to avoid too much
cheese and cream (I'm dieting anyway - so I would be anyway) but I can
have a small amount of ice cream or toss my pasta in some shopbought
pesto, or have a takeaway curry, without worrying too much.

Adjusting is easy for me though - until I discovered this (as a result
of adolescent rebellion and ignoring my intolerances for a few years) I
ate no dairy at all, so its not part of my daily routine anyway (don't
drink tea or coffee anyway, don't eat toast or sandwiches really, cook
most meals without dairy or substitutes).

Oh yes, I can tolerate yoghurt no problem - thats what I have with my
muesli in the morning.
