>Please find below draft minutes of the last ADNA meeting, which you may
>already received. Thanks for sending me the other documents on The Gambia.
>I'll read and analyze them in the coming days and start working on the sign
>on letter as agreed at the last ADNA meeting. I look forward to talking to
>you soon. Take care
>Abdul Lamin
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [log in to unmask]
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Sent: 10/19/00 10:05 AM
>Subject: UPDATE: ADNA DC- groups 10/3 draft Minutes
>ADNA Update:  001019
>Message from:  Society of Missionaries in Africa
>For contact information see also:
>Dear ADNA members,
>Following find draft minutes from the October meeting of the DC
>area ADNA member groups.  Please send comments or corrections
>to Steven Price of the minutes committee at the e-mail noted for
>replies.  Also note that the date for the November meeting has been
>moved out to Tuesday, November 14 so that we may include
>discussion of the election results in that agenda, and due to the
>schedule change, we must also meet in a different location.  The
>Nov 14 meeting will be held at the Mott House at 122 Maryland Ave,
>NE just two buildings down from our usual location.
>Vicki Ferguson
>ADNA Communications Facilitator
>Date sent:             Wed, 18 Oct 2000 22:22:17 -0400
>From:                  "Steve Price - SMA Justice, Peace &
>Environmental Care" <[log in to unmask]>
>Send reply to:         [log in to unmask]
>Organization:          Society of African Missions
>Subject:               draft ADNA Minutes of October 3, 2000
>ADVOCACY NETWORK FOR AFRICA  - - - -  Meeting Minutes
>Ezekiel Pajibo  Africa Faith & Justice Network
>  [log in to unmask]
>Vicki Ferguson  Africa Policy Information Center
>  [log in to unmask]
>Smita Baruah  InterAction
>  [log in to unmask]
>Kathleen McNeely  Maryknoll
>  [log in to unmask]
>Luke Davenport  Africa Policy Information Center
>  [log in to unmask]
>Ray Almeida  Bread for the World
>  [log in to unmask]
>Saul Saidykhan  Free Gambia Movement
>  [log in to unmask]
>Maura Browne  Sisters of Notre Dame
>  [log in to unmask]
>Liz Keyes   Catholic Relief Services
>  [log in to unmask]
>Aster Tesfai  Amnesty International
>  [log in to unmask]
>Kwabena Akuffo-Akoto Amnesty International
>  [log in to unmask]
>Mark Harrison  United Meth Ch  / Gen Bd Ch Soc
>  [log in to unmask]
>Clarissa Kayosa  C.I.P.
>  [log in to unmask]
>Anne Edgerton  Refugees International
>Sayre Nyce  Refugees International
>  [log in to unmask]
>Adotei Akwei  Amnesty International USA
>  [log in to unmask]
>Martin Shupack  Mennonite Central Committee
>  [log in to unmask]
>Stephen Price  Society of African Missions
>  [log in to unmask]
>Leon Spencer  Washington Office on Africa
>  [log in to unmask]
>Phil Reed   Missionaries of Africa
>  [log in to unmask]
>Billie Day   Friends of Sierra Leone
>  [log in to unmask]
>Beverly Lacayo  Missionary Sist of Our Lady of Afr
>  [log in to unmask]
>Ann Wang  World Relief
>  [log in to unmask]
>Moses Akol  Ethiopian Community Dev Council
>  [log in to unmask]
>Yomi Ademola  TransAfrica
>  [log in to unmask]
>Mwiza Munthali  TransAfrica / TransAfrica Forum
>  [log in to unmask]
>Steffan Spencer  Public Citizen's GTW
>  [log in to unmask]
>Njoki Njoroge Njehu  Fifty Years is Enough Network
>  [log in to unmask]
>Drew Crandall  Africa-America Institute
>[log in to unmask]
>Bill Jackson  Africa-America Institute
>  [log in to unmask]
>Tommy Calvert  Africa-America Institute
>  [log in to unmask]
>Yvonne O'Brien  Dept. of State
>  [log in to unmask]
>Annette Aulton  Dept. of State
>  [log in to unmask]
>Jim Matlack  American Friends Service Comm.
>  [log in to unmask]
>J. Paul Olweny  C.I.P.
>  [log in to unmask]
>Erin McCandless  Journal Peacebuilding & Dev
>  [log in to unmask]
>Abitaile Fofana  ACS GSG
>  [log in to unmask]
>Stephanie Loomis  Commonwealth HR Initiative
>  [log in to unmask]
>Erin McAlister  RFK Memorial Ctr for HR
>  [log in to unmask]
>Reginald Fianu  Africa Policy Information Center
>  [log in to unmask]
>Danielle Hirsch  Religious Action Center
>  [log in to unmask]
>Heather Nolen  Natl Council Churches / C W S
>  [log in to unmask]
>Holly Burkhalter  Physicians for Human Rights
>  [log in to unmask]
>Trevor Ngwane   Alternative Info and Dec Centre (South Afr)
>  [log in to unmask]
>Carole Collins  Small World Information Services
>  [log in to unmask]
>Mike Landry  Africa Policy Information Center
>  [log in to unmask]
>James Gomez  Rainbow PUSH Coalition
>  [log in to unmask]
>Zewdu Derseh
>  [log in to unmask]
>Nuhad Jamal  Eritrean Development Foundation
>  [log in to unmask]
>Emira Woods  InterAction
>  [log in to unmask]
>Pat Morris   InterAction
>  [log in to unmask]
>Abdul Lamin  CODISAL
>  [log in to unmask]
>Rory Anderson  World Vision
>  [log in to unmask]
>Susie Johnson  United Methodist Women
>  [log in to unmask]
>J. Michael Turner Hunter College / NSOA Evaluation
>  [log in to unmask]
>1)  Welcome and introductions were completed, including welcome
>to guests (see #14 below).
>Corrections by Refugees International to the previous minutes were
>noted.   The corrected text of (8) in the September 5 ADNA minutes
>should be as follows: Refugees International says that many on the
>ground in Eritrea are concerned with the possible outbreak of
>fighting when the rains end, which is now.  UN Peacekeepers need
>to be deployed on the disputed border as soon as possible to avoid
>another possible outbreak of fighting.  Humanitarian needs remain
>high, especially for many who have been internally displaced since
>May 1998.  De-mining is also a necessity. Interviews conducted by
>RI indicate that there may have been and may be ongoing incidents
>of rape by the Ethiopian army.  This poses a potentially huge social
>problem in Eritrea, as Eritrea has a very low rate of AIDS, and the
>Ethiopian army has a very high rate of HIV infection.  Human rights
>groups are needed to document the situation, and NGOs who have
>technical knowledge of psycho-social programs are also needed.
>Refugees International and the Eritrean Development Fund will hold
>a joint briefing on the current humanitarian situation in Eritrea
>September 13 at the U.S. Committee for Refugees. (Note:  Ethiopian
>groups have not come to ADNA regularly, despite invitation.)
>2)  ADNA Internal Organization Discussion
>Vicki facilitated a discussion of dreams for the future of ADNA.  She
>noted that for 5-7 years co-chairs had been from a limited number
>of member organizations.  But new leadership is invited, as well as
>diversification to Neo-Diaspora and African-American members.
>ADNA has doubled to 209 organizations as a result of increased
>outreach and visibility efforts in the past two years, mostly outside
>DC-NY.  About 1/3 are not email-reachable. There are opportunities
>for greater networking, popular education, and constituency-
>Comments, observations, and suggestions from other participants: ·
>Some issues involve non-overlapping coalitions, who should be told
>of ADNA.
>· Africans coming to the U.S. are interested in what U.S. advocacy
>groups do.  Some African NGOs want to exchange with ADNA also,
>but the mechanism is not developed yet.
>· The working groups in ADNA could have issue-specific networks
>with NGO's elsewhere.
>· There could be a comprehensive annual ADNA meeting where all
>members could come.
>· ADNA could list its organizations/resource people by specific issue
>or country.
>· ADNA could connect with Africa persons in US Government and
>invite their participation.
>· More strategizing is needed on how to have greater effectiveness. ·
>ADNA should organize to use its local (non-DC) base more
>effectively, producing materials for them. Grassroots could be built
>up, directed to the Congressional Subcommittees on Africa
>· DC area ADNA members were encouraged to attend more
>faithfully each month even if the agenda does not include their
>priority every month.
>· The Working Groups are helpful; ADNA could audit and distribute
>their resources on the various issues.
>· Can ADNA educate the media better and take issue with Africa
>· Support and participate with the African diplomatic corps.
>At the next meeting we will request firm commitments from member
>organizations for the next year or longer, in exchange for the
>benefits received from ADNA.
>Organizations, please identify to ADNA leadership your willingness
>to serve, even BEFORE next meeting.  No one took up the co-chair
>position for 2001-we may be spoiled by AFJN and Ezekiel's
>personal gifts.   It should be noted that organizational backing for
>facilitators is required because there is a time commitment.
>APIC will continue to be communications facilitator and maintain
>membership and website.
>Basic tasks for operating ADNA
>· Management of regular monthly meetings  (agenda, guests,
>timekeeping, facilitation)
>· Facilitation and coordination support of emergency or special
>opportunity meetings, brown bag lunchs etc between regular
>monthly meetings
>· Produce  written Multi-country updates prior to meeting
>· Service phone, fax and e-mail contacts generated from postings,
>webpages, events, networking - mostly to make information referrals
>within the ADNA network and working groups
>· Take and/or refer Press calls, maintain a small press list for ADNA
>· Produce, correct, maintain file of DC monthly meeting minutes.
>One suggestion is to have a larger coordinating or steering
>committee rather than only two co-facilitators and divide these
>responsibilities out further.
>Another is to identify, develop lists or resource persons on
>issues/countries and circulate those regularly so that more people
>can handle information requests, referrals and press contacts.
>These could also be people with particular topical expertise who
>could feed information into the written monthly update.
>More discussion and a preliminary proposal will be considered at
>the next meeting.
>3)  Kenya
>Concurrent Res 410 condemning assassination of Fr. John Kaiser
>is to be marked up in HR committee today.  There is support from
>Kenya and from AI, missionaries, and Minnesota.  Sens. Wellstone
>and Grams will introduce a version in the Senate.  A memorial
>service was held at the Kenyan Embassy September 24.  The
>Catholic Church is in some conflict with Moi government, which may
>be stirring ethnic tension.  There may be another action alert
>Letters went to Congress over the Global AIDS bill-a chart of
>funding levels is available.  It will likely not go to conference.  The
>biggest issue is debt relief.  Lobby calls were chosen over
>visits-contact Heather at NCC to participate.
>Contact Leon at WOA to be on the email list on AIDS WG issues.
>There are now six new one-page HIV/AIDS papers on debt, testing,
>gender issues, etc., updatable and expandable.  Download them
>from or, and APIC will
>also distribute them and archive them on the ADNA web pages.
>WOA can also provide the original formatted copy for reproduction.
>It should be noted that Congressional drops for these six documents
>took a minimum of 80 hours of staff time; more help is needed on
>these group initiatives.  The next meeting of the AIDS Working
>Group:  10/5/00, 10:00-12:00, at WOA, dealing with AIDS as
>development issue and strategies on appropriations.  Congressional
>staff may participate. There is a panel discussion October 18 on
>AIDS, 6:30-8:30 pm, at TransAfrica, 1744 R St. NW.
>5)  Zimbabwe
>Erin provided a briefing paper on recent events and issues in
>Zimbabwe, including accounts of bombings.  For the 2002 elections
>President Mugabe is already campaigning, against Tsvangirai-who
>may face arrest.  There is a nationwide civil disobedience campaign
>by the MDC to start soon to force Mugabe to retire.  The Zimbabwe
>Democracy Bill in the U.S. was passed by the Senate; lobbying
>support comes from SADC and African-American organizations, as
>well as MDC, which earns criticism of foreign interference.  The
>farm eviction/land resettlement issue continues; a 30 day notice is
>given but acquisition process is not stopped.  Economically
>Zimbabwe is increasingly in severe crisis.
>6)  Liberia
>Deferred Enforced Departure was extended by President Clinton for
>an additional year, allowing some thousands of Liberians stranded in
>the U.S. for years to stay and work for another year.  Jesse
>Jackson Sr. and Operation Rainbow PUSH were helpful on this
>effort.  Efforts continue on legislation to offer residency to these
>Liberians who are on DED.
>7)  Gambia
>It was reported that a big crude oil scandal in early 2000 occurred
>when the President diverted money to himself.  In March and April
>students were tortured, raped and even killed (12 in Banjul and 2 in
>rural areas).  In June the President sent assassins against the main
>opposition leader, who escaped.  But three U.S. Congressmen
>visited Gambia and gave good reports-their offices should be
>contacted to protest.  Lobbyists are paid by Gambia to lobby the
>U.S. Government.  There is a commission of inquiry but it was
>forbidden to inquire on who ordered the student deaths. Last week
>saw an ambush plan uncovered.
>An ADNA Action Alert will be forthcoming; Abdul Lamin, Saul
>Saidykhan, and Ezekiel will work on this.
>8)  Democratic Republic of Congo
>See October 3 Washington Post on DRC.  Refugees International
>reports there are big problems.  Some 700,000 IDPs in Burundi,
>and 300,000 refugees in Tanzania.  IDP regroupment camps have
>been emptied by the government and people are now scattered,
>making it hard for NGOs to serve them.  Ann Edgerton of RI goes to
>the region October 23.  RI has a bulletin on the issues.  The region
>is high on the agenda of PRM and OFDA., who are holding
>discussions on relief efforts.  It is like Sudan's Operation Lifeline.
>Health, access, and security are issues. Great Lakes Policy Forum
>meets 9:00-11:00 on October 12 at 1779 Mass. Ave., N.W.
>(CEWP).  An informal bag lunch with a prominent speaker may be
>9)  Sierra Leone
>FOSL reports that war amputees who came to U.S. for medical
>reasons also attended a hearing in Congress before 25 members of
>Congress.  Now they are undergoing treatment in Staten Island.
>They do not do other political appearances, however. Rep. Tony Hall
>  is giving Sierra Leone more attention; October 4 at 10:00 a.m. eight
>members of Congress will read the biographies of the amputees.
>Peacekeeping funds appropriations are another hot issue for Africa
>and Sierra Leone.  Reps. Carolyn Kilpatrick and Sheila Jackson
>Lee made strong statements. A UN Team goes to SL on October 7,
>headed by the UK and a deputy US Ambassador to the UN.  The
>amputees may come before the UN as well. Thanks to any who are
>working with amputees in Sierra Leone-contact Billie Day to share
>information. TPS for Sierra Leoneans expires November 2.
>Renewal is likely. There is a spillover of conflict into Guinea. There
>has been lots of media attention but still many in U.S. have no idea
>there is a war in SL. On September 29 the UN Security Council
>discussed the war crimes tribunal issue.  On that day's Nightline TV
>program, Adotei of Amnesty International spoke on Sierra Leone.
>The Indian UN commander has made accusations about Nigerian
>UN troop involvement in SL diamonds  The Nigerians called for
>evidence or else the general should leave.  There are even some
>reports of intra-troop skirmishes.  The Indians are due to pull out in
>any case. The U.S. Institute of Peace held a meeting on the Truth
>and Reconciliation Commission Oct. 2. The Potomac Institute for
>Policy Studies held a seminar on conflict on September 29.
>Amnesty International's position is that a criminal court has to be
>impartial and deal with violations of all parties.  But as it's being
>up it will deal only with the RUF.  This will only feed resentments in
>SL..  AI believes it also should try adults only, not child soldiers.
>10)  Conflict Diamonds
>At Antwerp our sign-on letter to ask the industry to clean up was
>presented.  The industry is moving fast, in its own interest. Global
>Witness of UK pushed industry into adopting a good diamond
>certification scheme for all countries to enact import/export
>legislation. The bad trade will be reduced greatly.  On July 17 the
>Industry agreed to the scheme.  There will be a computerized
>record of the movement of all diamonds.  Cutters and Polishers in
>Israel, India, and Belgium will have inspection and controls too.  The
>global system will try to squeeze out conflict diamonds, with criminal
>penalties.  In September a meeting of Ministers of Mines was held; a
>followup meeting will be in London in November to add final touches.
>In Congress the CARAT Act is dead for 2000.  It may no longer be
>the right legislation.  Something could still pass but there is not much
>more NGO involvement now.  It would be desirable to have the
>Administration put import controls on diamonds effective one year
>from now.  Meetings between Rep. Hall and industry are being
>pushed; it is critical to get industry support.  There is a
>demonstration October 6 or 7 in New York in front of Cartier, and
>possibly later in regard to the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian.
>However, Physicians for Human Rights does not support this
>approach because so far industry is cooperating with commendable
>11)  Appropriations for Debt and Peacekeeping
>It appears that Congress will appropriate the $435 million for debt
>relief this year.  President Clinton says he will stand firm on debt
>relief; the key is to lobby Sen. Gramm.  Clinton says he will veto
>legislation if there are too many conditionalities.  But Rep. De Lay
>says they will override a veto. On money for conflict resolution:
>There was a briefing with the UN Security Council support groups.
>The Administration says it will give money to peacekeeping
>12)  The Eritrean-Ethiopian War
>There is some hope that the conflict will not restart after the rainy
>season as foretold.  Peacekeepers are to be deployed in November
>and that would bring better prospects.
>13)  Landmines
>At the Geneva meeting, International Campaign to Ban Land Mines
>campaigners and researchers from Africa were there.  They were
>told they should speak with the U.S. military which was pressing
>countries not to sign.  The U.S. Ambassador there denied that.
>14)  Guests:
>A)  Yvonne O'Brien and Annette Aulton of the Office of Public
>Liaison of the State Department stated that they are our advocates
>at the State Department.  They will continue on in any new
>Administration.  They can help connect ADNA with proper personnel
>and can help with ADNA grassroots efforts as they do town
>meetings around the country.  They could send State Dept speakers
>to various ADNA members' meetings.  Monthly Briefings are held
>the last Thursday of each month-contact them to be included in
>B)  Trevor Ngwane of the Alternative Information and Dec Centre of
>South Africa, was one of the "Two Trevors Go to Washington" in the
>film of that name.  A long-time Soweto activits noted that indicators
>are gloomy: The rich get richer, HIV is at a high rate, and cholera is
>occurring.  The government policy of privatization of basic services
>is exacerbating these.  The Anti-Privatization Forum is a a coalition
>of organizations (church, student, women, unions, NGOs, etc.) that
>focuses on the effects of privatization.  It has sub-groups on
>research, media, organizing, and coordinating.  Trevor expressed
>appreciation for ADNA's efforts and invites a working relationship.
>C)  Dr. Michael Turner of Hunter College is doing an evaluation of
>the National Summit on Africa as a Ford Foundation consultant.
>Was the Summit successful?  Was it able to publicize Africa to the
>U.S. public?  Were the Regional processes effective?  What has
>been the relationship of the Washington office of the NSOA to the
>national network of state NSOA organizations?  Questionnaires were
>sent out nationwide; a report will be completed by December.  Some
>or all of it will be published as the Ford Foundation decides.
>D)  Abitaile Fofana of Cote d'Ivoire recounted the military putsch of
>December 1999 which installed the present military government.
>President Gueye is running the upcoming elections.  By October 7
>other candidates must announce.  Two students died last week;
>there are military arrests. It is better not to have military rule, but
>future is unclear.
>15)  Announcements
>· Questions for the Presidential candidates' debate can be proposed
>· On October 2  the Administration announced the countries that will
>receive the benefits of the African Growth and Opportunity Act.
>· Becky Schwartz of the Administration's Trade Office will attend the
>meeting of the Africa Trade Policy Working Group on October 19 at
>3:00 p.m. at WOA, 212 E. Capitol St.
>· For the next 4-6 months, Ray Almeida (of BFW) offers to co-
>convene with Bill Jackson (of AAI) an ADNA Working Group on the
>(U.S. Government) Transition.
>· APIC/Africa Fund have a joint brochure on questions for the
>candidates that will be published by October 7-it goes to all party
>headquarters and to Jim Lehrer and Bernard Shaw.
>· The ADNA communications system (via APIC), for the period
>January 1 - June 30, 2000, produced 76 different country and issue
>Updates, 39 Action Alerts, and 20 Event Notices.
>16)  NEXT ADNA MEETING (note the CHANGE):  Tuesday
>NOVEMBER 14, 10:00 a.m., at the Mott House at 122 Maryland Ave
>NE.  This avoids Election Day on November 7 and allows analysis of
>results.  Please submit agenda items to Ezekiel on time.
>This message from Society of Missionaries in Africa is distributed
>through the Advocacy Network for Africa (ADNA).
>Vicki Lynn Ferguson
>Advocacy Network for Africa
>Communications Facilitator
>c/o Africa Policy Information Center
>110 Maryland Ave, NE  #509
>Washington, DC 20002
>Ph:  202-546-7961
>Fax: 202-546-1545
>E-mail:  [log in to unmask]

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