<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

List members:
I'm searching for help.; I searched the archives but couldn't find an
answer to this one.  I've been ill for the past year and a half (lost 60
pounds, muscle and joint ache, nausea and vomiting, etc.) to the point
that I've been in the hospital twice.  After tons of neg. tests, my
doctor finally did  blood work for CD; it came back positive and he put
me on a gluten free diet.  I improved significantly.  They then asked me
to do a gluten challenge so they could do a biopsy; I became very sick,
lost more weigh, and ended up in the hospital again.  The biopsy just
came back negative, and I was told by the gi that although my intestines
are inflamed, there is no villi damage; so therefore, I do not have CD.
I should not restrict my diet as I need the carbs from a gluten
containing diet to feed my very diminished body.  Before I start
searching for whatever is wrong, can someone explain how you can have
positive blood work and relief of symptoms on a gf diet, but a neg.

Thanks for your help.