<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Please direct all questions to Jim Lyles's E-Mail: [log in to unmask]

The latest issue of _The Sprue-nik Press_ (a newsletter put out by
the Tri-County Celiac Sprue Support Group in SE Michigan, USA) is
available online.  You can read it at:


Or you can have a copy sent to you by e-mail, by sending a message to
[log in to unmask] containing this line:


This issue includes highlights from the Canadian Celiac Association's
annual conference, tips on making pasta and traveling in Europe, help
with a GF/vegetarian diet, the results of some taste tests, a recipe for
"Yuppie Pizza", and some humor.

Past issues of this newsletter are available at:


An index to all the previous articles, recipes, reports, etc. in the
past issues of this newsletter can be found at:


I am not connected with this newsletter or the group that produces it.
Please direct any questions or comments about it to:

   [log in to unmask]