> If the list doesn't mind discussion of a paleo diet for dogs, I can
> at least give you the principles of the diet and some background.
> (I became interested in paleo diet for humans after I saw how much
> healthier  my dogs are on a diet based on what is optimal for their
> paleo ancestors the wolves...)

Hi all,

I'm Marnix from Belgium, and I've been lurking on your Paleo List for
a week now.
I too became interested in the "basic food requirement" for men, after
seeing that our dogs do so well on BARF.
We always have been very careful in what we ate (always bio-products),
we wanted the same for our dogs.
So we banned commercial dog foods and via home cooked food we got into
about a month ago. And you should see them!
They are an example of how a healthy dog should look and act!
This made me think and search for a "human" variant of BARF.
And this is how I subscribed to your Paleo-List.
I'm gently decreasing grains and diary and I've increased raw veggies
fruits. After only one week I may say that I already feel fitter.
I've always been quite healthy, but I think Paleo is the way people
ment to eat.
Soon I will buy Ray's book (I've found a Belgian e-bookstore where
sell it) and together with what I'm learning on this list I will try
optimise my "eat-behavior".
