If you're talking about being able to call yourself a Certified Raw
Nutritionist or something like that, you might want to do some
research at
your local library.  My understanding is that, in many fields, anyone
put together a certification -- just make one up.  They are often put
together by businesses who train people on their systems, for example.
certification, therefore, can be very meaningful, completely
meaningless, or
anything in between, depending on who put it together.  A license is a
different matter.  It almost always involves governmental regulation
testing.  (This doesn't mean, of course, that it's always a reflection
real skill and useful knowledge, but it does have legal oomph.)  The
time I checked, there wasn't even a licensure program for
"nutritionist" in
most US states, so it'll be a long time, I'm sure, before there is
governmental recognition or regulation of anything like a raw food

If you're in the USA, the following link may be of help.

Good luck!
