At 09:48 PM 9/25/00 -0400, Liza May wrote:
>Hi Folks, My husband is flying to Frankfurt, Germany tomorrow - for a week.

And you posted this at 9:48 PM?

There are vegetarian travel guides to purchase, but you need a two
window to clear the logistics in time to make plans.

>Any advice as to where he should shop for food, or where he might find
>good places to eat?

Visit a grocery and, if he's also a rawfooder, get a bag of carrots
and a
bunch of celery.
He'll survive.  And he won't have breath or digestive problems,
with that type of diet.

>He'll be in an apartment, with a kitchen.  Thanks for the help!
>Love Liza

If he wants to get off the diet, he can check out the outdated
World Guide to Vegetarianism at