Hey Mark,

What--only a half-pound?!  I have trouble gaining weight (5'6", 116
lbs.) and eat a pound of the stuff plus a little jerky to top it off.
Boy, do folks cringe when I tell them that--ain't it fun?

( "WE used to live in an old shoe box in the middle of the road...."
"Well, WE used to work 18 hours a day, come home, eat a lump of dry
poison, and my dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt...." :-)


Mark Labbee wrote:

> I took Ray's advice and soak bacon overnight. It tastes much better to me
> without all that sodium and it probably leeches much of the sugar and maybe
> even the nitrates. Anyway I eat a half-pound of it every morning. Boy do I
> love telling people what I eat to get their reactions.