On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 20:04:36 -0400, Todd Moody
<[log in to unmask]>

>Like the Discovery
>Institute, the NSCE has an "agenda," which includes squelching
>Intelligent Design.  There's nothing wrong with agendas; just
>recognize them for what they are.

One thing that I appreciate from this discussion is that I
learned of the new attack on teaching evolution theory (the origin
and development of living things from the random
process of natural selection) specifically from an
Intelligent Design (ID) and Irreducible Complexity (IR) effort.
I hadn't been paying much attention I guess.

Probably best to leave it to the reader interested in this to
read and compare the papers at, say, www.discovery.org,
www.natcenscied.org, www.world-of-dawkins.com to see why ID and IR are
scientific theories but evolution theory is.

Philip Thrift