On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 09:52:36 -0400, Todd Moody
<[log in to unmask]>

>Philip Thrift wrote:
>>>- awareness - does not come from our brains, but rather is the
>>>essence of everything.
>>But certainly someone else could  observe a brain catscan of me
>>while I eat and make some empirical observations.
>The catscan would tell you precisely nothing of what it is like to eat

It could tell you something (correlation with other things eaten
by observing the pattern of neuron firings).
Remember, "this tastes good" is an abstraction and is not real.

>>One might have thought that with Dawkins "The Blind Watchmaker"
>>and others that the
>>Argument from Design reduxes would have been further shown to be
>Why would one think this?

A bit of sarcasm when what I should have said "one might have hoped".

Aside from the debate, what is most troubling for me is role Bebe
and the "Intelligent Design" group is playing in the attack on
high school biology education (along with other creationist groups):


One could call them micro-creationists.

Philip Thrift