The avocado is rich in fat, but has no cholesterol. Cholesterol occurs
only in animals and animal products.

Even if the avocado did contain cholesterol, the idea that dietary
cholesterol is harmful in itself has been rather well debunked, at
least to the satisfaction of most people on low carb and paleo eating

A recent program on the discovery channel mentioned how some herbivore
or other (deer, elephant?) will eat the fresh green shoots of certain
plants in season, but not the old growth. I understand that some
modern potatoes can be eaten raw, but their ancestors were toxic
without processing, and all so potatoes are still considered
non-paleo. Today's green beans, which are immature seed pods, seem
quite edible raw. Is it possible that the ancestral immature seed pods
of today's green bean plant would have been edible raw as well, even
if the mature bean was not?

Green beans used to be called string beans. When I was young, 40 years
ago, string beans really did have tough fibrous "strings" running down
one edge. You don't see that any more. Once upon a time, it was not
possible to play tennis with a tomato, either. :(
