> >Philip Thrift wrote:
> >One thought I had: is it possible people who feel this way are
> >(like alcoholics) carboholics and this is a withdrawal symptom?

<Justin_Hasselman wrote:
> Food is a drug.  It is one of the most powerful drugs we put into  our

You could look at it like that, and addiction, a wanting of carbs, or
some would say a need to have them.  Just as caffeine, which in my
is a drug, is highly addicting.  However, you also need to look at it
a choice.  One chooses to eat the crap they have been eating all their
lives.  I look at it as more of a habit, lack of knowledge or lack of
willpower if they have the knowledge of what to stay away from.
me, I know all about willpower and the lack of.  But I finally made my
choice,did the right thing, and lost most of that weight. i still have
pounds to go.