On Wed, 13 Sep 2000 17:11:11 -0400, Todd Moody
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, nervegas wrote:
>> And every combination of thereof.
>> I've been following Todd's emails re: weight loss. I seem to be in the same
>> situation. Seems nothing I do works. Todd's results on the Anchell diet
>> seemed promising though (any updates?)
>You certainly have tried everything I could recommend.

Todd - I thought that you had lost the most weight on the Zone diet ??

Nervegas - try buying a copy of Barry Sears, PhD's book ' "A Week in
the Zone" -
it's a mass market paperback, so should only run you about $5 or so.

If you like, you can modify it by eliminating all non-paleo food,
which makes
what people call "PaleoZone".

A concise summary of the Zone is using food to balance out the
hormones in your
body, so that they are all in a "Zone", ie not too low and not too
high.  A
large part of this is to control blood sugar swings, which is done by
a balance of fat, carbs and protein in each meal.

More specifics can be found in the book (alternately you can find one
of Barry
Sears' books in the library, but "A Week in the Zone" is designed as a
paperback introduction).


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