On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 21:08:32 -0700, Ingrid Bauer/J-C Catry
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I urge you to have an experience of a virgin land and you will see the
>europeans landscapes as very poor..

I'm shure, that the vast landscapes of Canada will appear much more
than anything in Europe does.
I experience similar, if i reach France from Germany, which looks
much more natural to me, because the forests look more natural
(less needlewood) and much less populated landscapes.
Over here every few miles is a village.

However I'd still like to point out, that there are large areas
in France and Germany (and probably much more countries), which didn't
loose much substance in 6
000 years of continuous agriculture.

It' only in the last 100 and again most important the last 30 years
that most of the problems arose. Like loosing the soil, depleting the
What was before could be handled easily.
What happens now is a major life threat to humanity - in the hope that
some technology might help us . :-(
And wasting most to fabric animals multiplies this.

>What i used to consider beautifull fertiles lands in The wild frontier of
>Europe ( the pyrennees) seemed  very depleted when i cam here.

I haven't been there, but i experience, that in the south (like Spain)
previously humid and fertile landscapes become more arid, hotter and
less fertile.
I think some of this has to be attributed to the global worming,
deforestation (North pole was all water these days)


I couldn't resist taking a look to the list, when I was checking my