The reason you are supposed to introduce one food at a time and wait a
week or two before adding another is so you can more easily pinpoint
which food is causing a runny nose if that happens.  Of course, that
gets more complicated, because it could be the oil the pork skins are
fried in rather than pork skins, or it could be a particular
of foods ... or it could be an allergy to something airborne, or
detergent, or most anything!!!  You could just wait and see if it's a
temporary thing or not, or watch for a pattern.  I'd wait on the nuts,
Good luck!
Sharon, former La Leche League leader

How is it possible to give only one food at a time when the child
wants to
eat absolutely everything? I have tried to follow this advice, but
child will grab all the food she can get her hands on and if she sees
she wants, and you're not sharing with her, she makes it clear that
she is
very unhappy about that. So, she is unmistakeably hungry. She wants to
about 3 times a day. I really didn't want to feed her one food 3 times
day, like bananas or something. But I know I want to avoid letting her
sample everything.

Can she eat all the pemmican she wants? I saw a recipe for olive oil
pemmican, would it be ok to give her that? Is grassfed buffalo ok for

Ok, here I go to shop for a food dehydrator...