I remember seeing a show discussing studies involving identical
with Alzheimer's and one without. The research with identical twins is
ongoing and I don't know if any conclusions have been drawn, yet. I
heard that keeping the mind active also helps delay Alzheimer's in
prone to the disease.

Alzheimer's is a very real concern for my DH. He is the youngest of 8
children. Two of his sisters have died from complications of
Alzheimer's and
his brother is currently in a nursing home with the disease. His
parents had
their first child in 1911...DH was born near the end of 1938. They
considered the older 5 as one set of children (1911-1922) and the
3 as the second set (1930-1938). One of the sisters (b.1922) developed
onset Alzheimer's and died at the age of 54. The other sister who had
Alzheimer's died at age 82. His brother is currently 82. I cannot
DH to go paleo, but he is paying more attention to what he's eating so
is hope. The doctor has encouraged him to supplement with Vitamin E,
Acid, etc., since the doctor doesn't feel this would do any harm. Of
the 4
"children" living, the eldest sister (almost 90) is in fair physical
and excellent mental health, the 82 year old has Alzheimer's, the 70
old (female) is in good health (as much as can be expected on SAD and
BP), and my DH, who's almost 62, is like his 70 year old sister but he
copes with paraplegia due to spinal cord trauma. Maybe someday I can
get DH
to go paleo...sure hope so.

Just my 2¢ on the subject.

Betty Ann
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"In a cat's eyes, all things belong to cats." English Proverb