Denise, Take heart!!!  The more pure your system on paleo/lowcarb, the
your system will react to the smoking.....  I would say the "smokes"
causing the bp. You know it's in your own best interest to quit and
that is
causing you stress......   I'll bet the pressure goes down the first
days after you quit.....  Bite the bullet girl....   You can take up
exercise to keep your metabolism up while you're in the early stages
withdrawal....  By the time you are over the hump, you will be
addicted to
working out and will wonder why you ever smoked in the first
place......  It
is not carved in stone that quitting smoking will cause a weight
You have to make adjustments in your lifestyle to allow for the
decrease in
metabolism......  A tweak here and a tweak there and you're home free
in a
short three months........   Don't let a stupid cigarette control your
and health.  Smoking is no longer an option in your life....    You're
one in control......
----- Original Message -----
From: "Denise LePage" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [P-F] Frightened now!
Low-carbing seems to make me want to smoke even more.
> BP is supposed to go DOWN on low-carb.  I assume the smoking is making it
do the opposite?
Not stop low-carbing or paleo, but obviously, my metabolism is going
to slow
> Denise