Kuzu is a tuber, but that is all I know about it. It is used widely in
Japanese/Macrobiotic recipes.I don't know if it is edible raw (and the
Fields manager didn't even know what I meant when I asked him if the
root can be eaten raw. He thought I was asking him if I could eat it
out of the box. Oh, well.)

Tapioca is derived from the Cassava root, and I read briefly somewhere
arrowroot is sometimes also dervied from Cassava. I have the
impression that
while Tapioca still contains fiber, the fiber has been removed from

There are two edible species of Cassava that I am aware of, one of
which I
did read is poisonous unless processed properly. The other is not

I will try using more pecan flour in the recipe. While i think it
work, I don't think it will yield the texture I was hoping for.

Thanks for your suggestion! :-)