On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Louise Anderson wrote:

> Now the plan is supposed to be to embark on the Anchell Steak Lovers Diet.
> The idea of rice and potatoes still bothers me though. Anchell allows a
> "normal" portion".  What is that?

He doesn't say exactly, but there are hints.  Evidently a "normal
portion" of grapefruit is one-half.  For berries, he mentions 3/4
cup, or one "ice cream scoop."  For watermelon he recommends a
piece "about the size of the book," which is roughly the size of
Neanderthin.  He doesn't specify about potatoes, but the sample
menus often mention "a baked potato."  I seldom eat them, but
when I do I use the small-to-medium ones, that run about 25g
carbs, minus fiber.  I've only had rice a few times -- maybe a
half cup of it (cooked).

> My problem with non-Paleo carbs is that
> when I start eating them I can't stop ( hypoglycemic carb addiction). Hmmm,
> so how does that bode for my foray into AncheLand?

Doesn't look good.  I have to say that I am as carb-addicted as
anyone, but these foods don't seem to be my trigger carbs.

> Perhaps I should opt for a low-carb Paleo instead. It is my preferred WOE.
> It makes a lot more sense to me than Anchell, but it has not helped me in
> the past to lose that last 40 lbs.  I am in ketosis now (even after my
> potato debacle) but it took the entire week to get me there.

Interesting.  I dropped into trace-mild ketosis immediately and
have stayed there pretty much continuously, with or without the

> Todd, what thinks you? You are the resident victor on this front. Are you
> still on it or have you reverted to Paleo again (ie. given up potatoes and
> rice?)

Maybe it was a mistake to start with zero carbs for a week, then
gradually try to reintroduce small amounts.  You may be at a
point of maximum depletion and minimum adaptation.  But see if
you do better with the veggies.

Todd Moody
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