Hi Guys,
I've been just reading the posts here for a few weeks.  I was wondering if
any of you have food sensitivities or food allergies.  I have reactive
hypoglycemia and I strongly suspect certain foods bother me like wheat and
dairy.  I have a tendency to get migraines and dizziness.  I've eliminated
many foods which I've become suspicious of and I'm feeling better.  I'm
discovering I do better if I don't eat the same foods 2 or 3 days in a row.

Is this high meat diet good for people with hypoglycemia and food
sensitivities?  I don't eat a lot of meat, mostly fish.  Funny thing is, when
I eat a hamburger (with bacon and cheese on it), I feel great for 4 to 5
hours and don't have to eat again - all that fat I guess.  When I eat a lower
fat meal, I'm hungry and sometimes shaky within 2 hours.  I'm not really a
meat person so this may be a little difficult for me.