Alison Whitwood wrote:
> I'm a little scared of fruit . I've had dates before and would buy a tray of
> them and eat the lot!
 > Sugar in fruit must have the same effect on blood sugar as sweets,

I once read a book called "The Healthiest Diet in the World" by Nikki
and David Goldbeck.  They are vegetarian (sorry), so of course they are
really supportive of eating plant life in general, but the book had a
glycemic index slant to it and they had a special section on fruit that
said that even when a fruit appears to be low on the glycemic index, you
still have to watch it because the type of sugar in fruit (fructose)
really wrecks havoc on the insulin response.
Obviously we can't take everything they say for gospel, cause they also
say you should eat beans, but I thought I'd offer this up since someone
asked about it.  I'm not much of a fruit lover, so I've decided to live
without the stuff for the most part.  But on the other hand, fruit
doesn't seem to have a bad effect on my appetite.  I'm far more likely
to overeat potatoes!