Justin says...

>We usually go to Dairy
>Queen and I always get the same thing: 1 large Georgia Mud Fudge Blizzard.

Ask anyone who's sung in a choir and they'll tell you; no dairy before the
concert.  It always makes for mucus and you don't want THAT during a Bach
motet!  No skinny on the whys and wherefores, but others can provide that.

Meanwhile, the next time you enjoy a Blizzard be sure to to send the happy
vibes it produces in my direction.  Mmmmmmmmm...

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

P.S.  Oh, and get ready for feedback.  I'm sure at least a couple of us will
tear you a new "corn chute".  But I'm sure you know that.

P.P.S.  Yes, I know this is going to the list.  What's stated above is a
gentle hint.
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