>I'm curious. Doesn't this seem like "the cure" that we
>should expect from converting to paleo? In other
>1) the cat was not paleo
>2) he got worms
>3) the cat became paleo
>4) he got rid of the worms.
>Perhaps there is not a need at this point to even look
>for a treatment because the cat has "treated himself"?

Possibly. However, Simon is not an entirely paleo cat.  I imagine he has
been vaccinated. He may have been on antibiotics. They are finding that
vaccines/antibiotics can permanently disrupt the immune system. So even tho
a paleo diet makes a huge improvement, it sometimes is not able to bring the
body back to as good as an immune system as it had pre-vaccine. Just ask any
mom on the autism list. Our kids have permanent mercury poisoning.  And,
Simon most likely has mercury from the vax in his system, which also seems
to contribute to permanent intestinal problems.