>I'm sure that a baby on raw foods will enjoy natural honey (in
>the comb) if it has a need for it and there will be no problem
>at all.
>But maybe the raw youngster instinctively avoid honey, who knows?
>Has anybody stories about that?

When i had still my bees and was eating in the comb  raw honey my son
as an
infant rarely got interested in honey ( to my astonishment ). he
interested and ate a lot around the age of 2 then we lost the bees and
not feeling deprived , but at times he is asking for it .  I am sorry
that i
can't satisfy him
he was very clear everytime when he needed to stop eating and the
were very variable from the end of a tea spoon to big chunks of them.
very early on ,  he learned to scrape the honey from a frame without
destroying the middle sheet ( he was very adamant at doing it
himself).  he
love pollen too either harvested from bees or gathered directly from
like in cattail. he love to eat flowers in general ( honeysuckle or
dandelions and others) especially since we don't have honey at home
He is 3 and half now.,raised on instinctive eating.