hi David - thanks for you feedback,

> Grow them in soil, and eat/juice the buckwheat sprouts. About
> 8 days from the initial soak and jar sprout to soil and eventual
> harvest.
> Hulled buckwheat seeds are available, which *may* sprout ok, depending
> quality, etc. These are the ones many raw recipe books refer to for
> some of the patee recipies, etc.
> What do you want to use them for ?

I had intended to soak and sprout the buckwheat as a breakfast
food. looks like I got the wrong thing. hmmm. I hadn't intended to
start a
window sprout box, but looks like I might have to give it a try.

I've tried sprouting hulled buckwheat once but it never did.
someone said maybe I drowned it. or I'm thinking there might be a
life to hulled buckwheat. I'll have to keep trying, it looks like.
